To photograph is to savor life intensely, every hundredth of a second
(cit. Marc Riboud)
Best professional photography gear! 3 strobes or continuous light are included into the rental price! Please view the Equipment Page for the complete list of lights, light modifiers as well as accessories available at the studio. Any additional equipment can be rented through our partners.

Stylist, assistants and more
Need a hand? Let us know what you need, our staff will be glad to help you out!
No worry about lunch or dinner. We normally serve ourselves the bistrots nearby but we can arrange any catering service at a specific request.

Should you need a retoucher or a colorist just let us know. Over 15 years of experience in fashion and commercial photography are at your service.

Medium format camera
The Phase One XF IQ4 150 MP is a photographic system that adapts to the workflow of professional photographers and to the rapid changes the industry demands. It guarantees unprecedented image quality and features never seen before. Contact us for more information and cost estimates.