Castello Studios
We wanted to create a comfortable place where to handle effortlessly any type of workflow
Our mission
We have designed this space to make our and your work comfortable. The large spaces remain human-friendly, the color of the walls is neutral, as it has to be, but we added some art and color as well. The heating and air conditioning are bearely perceptible, though extremely efficient.
We believe that our studio doesn’t have to be focused only on pursuing professional goals, it is also open to any sort of creatives who are welcome to experiment, collaborate or explore things in non commercial projects that we support by providing room and equipment.

Shooting space
– Over 100 sqm of surface
– 6×6 mt Cyclorama, 4,2 m tall
– Ceiling height 7,30 mt
– Changing box and make-up corner
– Private bathroom with shower
– Customizable space
– Breakfast station
– Preparation area 50 sqm

Kitchen Loft
For professionals and enthusiasts of food and lifestyle photography there is our kitchen loft equipped with utensils and kitchen appliances. The use of this space is not normally included into the standard rental. Should you be interested in this space only, book it as a separate option. If you want to add it to a standard studio rental, please don’t hesitate to contact us for a custom offer.
Preparation area
This space is dedicated to the crew. Stylists, clients, designers, project managers and others have enough room to try things out, pull out a laptop to send some emails, arrange printed references brought to the shoot… maybe with a cup of coffee brewed at the breakfast station.

Breakfast Station
In the preparation area you’ll find a refrigerator, drinking water, tea and coffee. We call this corner Breakfast Station, for we love starting out shoots with a nice breakfast all together, to improve the blood circulation and to create a cheerful mood.
Make-up area
The make-up area has been designed together with some of the best make-up professionals, taking account of their needs. The big make-up mirrow has diffused daylight illumination, movable carts are available to arrange the beauty and hair styling gear and keep them handy at any time. The positioning next to the changing room is convenient to instantly fix any “accidents” with make-up and hair that occur while changing outfits.

Changing room
Even though 99% of the time the models would prefer to change right close to the set, the changing room is available and it is big enough for a model and an assistant.
Load/unload area and parking
The studio is well connected and comfortable for shoots with a big amount of goods. There is a load/unload zone in front of the entrance and a large elevator that brings you right at the studio doors. Two dedicated parking slots are available for the whole duration of your stay.

Effortless shoots
A picture, a life experience concentrated in one-hundred-and-sixitieth of a second; perhaps you do not consider all you shots so important, but we have put at your space and comfort so you have a choise.